1999 Manitowoc 2250 III Crawler Lattice Boom Crane

Greg Preuss: 636-937-3799
Last Updated: 04 Sep 2019
Capacity: 300.00
Boom/Jib: 140
Condition: Excellent
1999 Manitowoc 2250 Series III Crawler Crane
140' #44 heavy boom
Upper boom point
35' elevated cab
3 drums
Cummins N14-C450 diesel engine
Setup for lift work and clam work
LMI/ATB systems
48" pads
150 ton 5 sheave hook block
100 ton 3 sheave hook block
One owner
Well maintained
Cab can be lowered at sellers cost if requested
No self erect system
Approximately 20,100 hours
Price: $575,000.00 loaded on trucks at Indiana jobsite
For More Information, Contact Greg at (314) 795-3192

North American Machinery, Inc.
www.namcranes.comContact: Greg Preuss
Phone: 636-937-3799
Alt Phone: 314-795-3192
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1999 Manitowoc 2250 Series III Crawler Crane
140' #44 heavy boom
Upper boom point
35' elevated cab
3 drums
Cummins N14-C450 diesel engine
Setup for lift work and clam work
LMI/ATB systems
48" pads
150 ton 5 sheave hook block
100 ton 3 sheave hook block
One owner
Well maintained
Cab can be lowered at sellers cost if requested
No self erect system
Approximately 20,100 hours
Price: $575,000.00 loaded on trucks at Indiana jobsite
For More Information, Contact Greg at (314) 795-3192
Rental Prices
Please contact the dealer for pricing -- 636-937-3799
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